In an open, warm, and trusting environment, Cathy is totally focused on her clients, hearing what is being said and, sometimes, what isn't. Years of coaching, organizational development, facilitation and training experience allows her to bring a variety of techniques to the table.
One on one, small teams, large groups...all clients have unique perspectives and unique needs. Cathy digs deep with clients to formulate the best approach to coaching or training and delivers a program suited specifically to that client.
Cathy is a certified Executive Coach. She has a Bachelors Degree in Education and Employee Development from Purdue University. Her years of internal and external coaching have provided cross-industry perspectives. She is certified in the Harrison Assessment for Behavioral Preferences and loves this transformative tool.
Cathy lives in the magical land of crystal clear springs and rivers in North Central Florida. She can be found kayaking and tubing and treasures her riverfront life.
An avid traveler and adventurer, she will tell you that travel has enriched her life in ways no other experiences can.

How I Can Help You?

The Personal Coaching Experience
Whether a new personal coaching client comes with a focused issue or challenge they'd like to explore and develop plans for, or whether they come with a "something's just not right...I feel unsettled, adrift, without direction" Cathy has the ability to listen hard, to ask the questions that elicit new thoughts, and to help develop the paths and decisions that add clarity to a client's life.
For those who come with a specific focus or goal, Cathy explores possible next steps, hones in on personal roadblocks that may be getting in the way, offers suggestions for action steps and co-develops a timeline that makes sense and allows for milestones to be reached.
For those who come with an unsettled feeling and who are seeking clarity, Cathy begins with 12 Life Areas and asks questions to help the client become clear about which area to concentrate on.
Cathy has an innate ability to partner with her clients. She asks questions and gives plenty of time for the thought process to take place. She supports and also gives "tough love" on the way to seeing her clients achieve goals, achieve clarity, and move forward.

the leadership development experience
Basics of leadership and supervision and how to apply the skills
An increased ability to know themselves, their communication style, how they see their current role and future goals
How to work collaboratively with team members
How their levels of confidence, emotional intelligence, and strategic thinking affect their people skills and their place within an organization
Which of the leadership skills mark their strengths and which skills need development for the next phase of their career
What are the components of an outstanding organization and where do their values fit in this picture
How to tackle tough issues and concerns within a team
How to be an effective mentor and coach to other team members
How to balance work and life and how to model it to employees
How to interact effectively with boards, stakeholders and affiliate organizations
How to create a compelling vision and be able to answer the question, "What does that look like for all of us?"
How to negotiate, to use networks, to analyze growth, and to answer pressing issues

The executive coaching experience
Cathy has been formally coaching for over 20 years, both as an internal coach and as President of Cathy Street Consulting. She has experience with all levels of management including emerging leaders, mid-level managers, upper management and CEO's. Cathy has worked with a variety of organizations...international high level firms, municipal organizations, small business, regional utilities, and non-profits.
Cathy's ability to be "one of the team" as she works with individuals and teams is a gift she brings to clients. She listens for global and individual issues, asks insightful questions, offers additional perspectives and works collaboratively to determine goals and develop action plans.
She holds clients accountable in a supportive manner and celebrates with them when milestones are reached. The growth and development of every client remains the focus of every coaching session.
Whether clients are experiencing major organizational change, developing one or more high potential leaders, experiencing dysfunction within their team, or holding the reins on rapid growth, Cathy's experience and partnerships with her clients has proven to be a valuable step in moving forward.